Lightning Protection System

Conventional LPS System

Conventional LPS

  • Conventional LPS design as per IEC-62305-3, NFPA-780 and BNBC-2006
  • Mesh Grounding and Earthing design according to IEEE std 80™-2013 
  • Supply and Installation of Conventional LPS

Isolated Lightning Protection as per IEC-62305

  • Isolated Lightning Protection System as per IEC-62305 
  • High Voltage Insulated (HVI) Cable
  • Advance Chemical Earthing System
  • Compact Earthing Pit
  • Supply and Installation of Isolated Lightning Protection 
ABB LPS Picture

Advance Lightning Ptotection

  • ABB Advance Lightning Protection System as per NFC-17 102 Std 2012 and IEEE-998
  • ABB and Furse Surge protection system Class I and Class II for Power and sensitive Equipment
  • Advance Chemical Earthing System
  • Supply and Installation of Conventional LPS

Lightning discharges contain awesome amounts of electrical energy. It has been measured from several thousand amps to over 200,000 amps – enough to light half a million 100 watt bulbs! Even though a lightning discharge is of a very short duration (typically 200 microseconds) it is a very real cause of damage and destruction. The function of an external lightning protection system is to intercept, conduct and disperse a lightning strike safely to earth. Without such a system a building’s structure, electronic systems and the people working around or within it are all at risk.

  • Lightning strike is hotter than the surface of the sun and can reach temperatures around 50,000 degrees
  • A bolt of lightning hits the ground somewhere in the world about 100 times every second.

Lightning discharges contain awesome amounts of electrical energy. It has been measured from several thousand amps to over 200,000 amps – enough to light half a million 100 watt bulbs! Even though a lightning discharge is of a very short duration (typically 200 microseconds) it is a very real cause of damage and destruction.

The function of an external lightning protection system is to intercept, conduct and disperse a lightning strike safely to earth. Without such a system a building’s structure, electronic systems and the people working around or within it are all at risk.

Our several years of experience in the design and installing Lightning Protection and Grounding Systems allow us to deliver best quality installations with outstanding customer service at an optimal value.

Fire Service and Civil Defense department and, Public Works Dept. (PWD) of Bangladesh government are working relentlessly in lightning awareness and protection in common people.